Your Support Team

Irene Anderson
CEO/Fitness Coach

I am a certified health & fitness coach that loves God, my family and the clients that I’m blessed to train!
My fitness journey began 20 years ago after the birth of my beautiful middle daughter. Although I had been an athlete during high school, I knew pretty much nothing about health and fitness and frankly, didn’t care about anything in college except graduating and getting a job. You see, I was a long, long way from home; I’d come all the way from E. Africa. So I studied, ate a lot of fast food, studied some more and ate more. I think I “exercised” 4 times…TOTAL, in the 4-1/2 years it took me to graduate.
I met a guy (a really cute one) while I was in college and we got married right before my last semester. I had our first beautiful baby 2 years after we got married and 14 months after she was born, I had our 2nd beautiful daughter.
It was at that point that I suddenly realized I needed to get some weight off. I had a friend who was a trainer and I confided in her that I needed to lose 10 lbs but didn’t have time or money to join the gym. After all, I had two kids under the age of two!

Kaela Villalta
Certified Fitness Trainer

From a young age, I lived a pretty active lifestyle. I started dance classes at the age of 5, and I continued on to dance competitively throughout Jr. High and High School, while still regularly taking classes at a dance studio as well. At the age of 12, I started participating in the kickboxing classes my mom would teach, and I fell in love with fitness and taking classes at the gym. I danced during the weeks, and then on the weekends I would take my mom’s kickboxing or bootcamp classes. As I got older, I started doing my own research on fitness and started coming up with my own workouts that included high intensity interval training and weightlifting. I loved how I felt when I worked out, and I loved learning new things as I did more research.
My excitement about fitness and also watching how great my mom was at personal training and running various fitness classes made me consider getting my own certification so that I could turn fitness into more than just a hobby. In the fall of 2022, I decided to enroll in the National Academy of Sports Medicine in order to attain my personal training certification. After many hours of study and application, I took the personal training certification exam and passed, officially making me a certified personal trainer. So far I have been loving training clients, and I am so excited to continue to train with and encourage them in their fitness journeys.
About Studio 78
The name Studio78 reflects what we’re about. The number 7 stands for “completeness” and the number 8 stands for “new beginnings”.
2021 was a very tough year for us all. Life as we knew it changed whether we wanted it to or not. In terms of health and fitness, many were quarantined and inactive, eating our favorite comfort foods to stave off the anxiety and watching our favorite TV shows or series to get our minds off what was going on around us. We only dealt with it if we absolutely had to.
In the midst of it all,I thought to myself, “I can create a new beginning even in the midst of all of this. My circumstances might not change right away, but my mindset and how I’m thinking about this year can change right now!” You see, I was one of the many that lost my job during that time. It was so sudden. I took another job after that, but that too, led to a dead end.
That was the birth of Studio78 Fitness. I believe everyone can CHOOSE to start again-even in the middle of a mess.
I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I’m here if you’d like to talk about how to start again; how to CHOOSE your new beginning.